robots come nearer with software
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Today, over one million household robots, and a further 1.1 million industrial robots, are operating worldwide. Find out what they're doing in our beginner's guide to roboticsBoxie is a doe-eyed cardboard robot that elicits conversations from passers-by to gather material for a documentaryThe MANOI AT01 (AT stands for “Athlete”) is designed for the hobbyist in mind and definitely lives up to its name. Build it, customize it, and then ultimately program it to your specifications. What we are selling is a kit, so the rest is up to you! The manual is in Japanese of course, but there is a wealth of information online in English from others. Go below to purchase online and get your MANOI AT01 delivered to your doorste.new robet systems, new robet computer, new robet software, new robet science, new bob technology, new ribet technology, new rob technology.