Obama shocks cable firms with call for net neutrality:
The open internet just got some serious backing. On Monday, US president Barack Obama
The open internet just got some serious backing. On Monday, US president Barack Obama asked the Federal Communications Commission to adopt rules to preserve net neutrality, the idea that all data on the internet should be treated equally. It would prevent internet service providers (ISPs) charging for preferential access to their networks. The rules would see ISPs such as Comcast reclassified as public utilities, forced to provide access to the internet like other utilities provide electricity or water. Phone companies already have this classification, but ISPs have been "information services" since the late 90s, subject to the same loose regulation as internet companies like Netflix and Facebook. If brought in, the rules would stop ISPs speeding up, slowing down or blocking connections to any online service. They would not be allowed to offer prioritisation of traffic in exchange for money. In his statement, Obama asked the FCC to "answer the call of almost 4 million public comments, and implement the strongest possible rules to protect net neutrality." Specifically, Obama urged the FCC to adopt at least four foundation measures that should go a long way towards protecting internet users from actions designed only to protect the vested interests of ISPs. No slow lane First, ISPs must end the practice of blocking access to websites that compete with services they offer - for instance, a cable company with its own bundle of pay-TV movie channels might block access to the Netflix movie streaming service. Second, ISPs should not slow down – or "throttle" – the bit rate at which competing services are accessed merely to give consumers a poorer experience of that service, where juddery imagery and frequent buffering could ruin the video, for example. In addition, Obama says ISPs need to be transparent about the technology they use to physically connect homes to the internet - because they could evade rules on throttling by diverting rival services through substandard servers that have a similar effect. Finally, no service should be permanently stuck in a "slow lane" unless users pay a fee for priority access to better download speeds. "That kind of gatekeeping would undermine the level playing field essential to the internet's growth," says Obama. We vs ISP The reaction from the US telecoms sector has been swift, with Verizon, for instance, slating the plan as something akin to "1930s-era utility regulation" - adding that it will "not stand up in court". The issue will indeed be decided in the US courts, predicts William Webb, former technical director of UK telecoms regulator Ofcom, and now president of the Institute of Engineering and Technology in London. "It is very hard to see how Obama's plan will pan out because it depends entirely on the decisions of the US courts. While he has popular opinion behind him, the cable companies – who have cornered the market in internet provision in the US – are every strong and powerful lobbyists.